SimplePathXNA (SPX) was refactored out of my capstone project last semester. At that time, it was a very messy Visual Studio project that one could start with as a base for creating their own game. In that stage, SPX was used as the foundation for OGUR. Over the past three months extensive work has been done while expanding OGUR to enhance the usefulness of the SPX framework.

My fiancee and I are interested in working on a simple game during our spare time. In an effort to speed up the development of our prototype for that game, I have pulled a huge amount of updates to SPX from OGUR over the couse of the past twenty four hours. All of these updates are now pushed on the master repository stored at Github (link available on the Projects page). Additionally, a 32 bit DLL of the library is now available for download.

On top of all of that, the SPXDemo has been re-written to use the new DLL instead of being coupled to the SPX project. A new tutorial will be coming once I have a few extra moments later this week.